Making it explicit

This last chapter gives an explicit syntax to the mental model. This may help understand it better, but most importantly it facilitates clear discussion about what is actually going on in a program.

Note that we are not actually introducing this syntax to Rust. This is a mental model. We are just making it explicit in our collective mind.

The update type

The Update type makes anonymous types explicit, including their predicate and proof.

/// Creates an anonymous type from a source type.
/// The created anonymous type (more precisely its interpretation) is the set of
/// valid values of the source type (its validity invariant) satisfying a
/// predicate.
/// The predicate is usually left implicit and defined in some documentation,
/// thus writing `Update<Source>`.
pub struct Update<Predicate, Source: ?Sized> {
    /// A proof that the value satisfies the predicate.
    /// The proof is usually left implicit and defined in some comment, thus
    /// writing `Update { value }`. We may also abusively write `Update(value)`
    /// instead.
    pub proof: Predicate,

    /// The value whose type is being updated.
    /// It is a valid value of the source type that satisfies the predicate.
    pub value: Source,

The predicate should be documented in 2 different sections depending on the variance in which the source type is occurring within the type of the item where the documentation is attached. If the predicate makes the item type unsafe, then it should be documented in a # Safety section. If it makes the item type robust, then it should be documented in a # Robustness section. It is recommended to avoid making item types robust (and thus avoid robustness sections) until an unsafe block somewhere depends on this property, to avoid unnecessary work by unsafe reviewers.

The proof should be written in a // SAFETY: comment.

The proof type

A weird but useful special case of the update type is when applied to the unit type. In that case, the only possible interpretations are the empty set or the singleton set, thus the only information of this type is whether it is inhabited, which is defined by whether the predicate holds. This type is really only useful when the predicate depends on the execution environment (the memory, the stack, the global variables, etc). It can be used to gate parts of the program that must only execute if a predicate holds, by taking a value of that type.

/// The proof that a predicate holds.
pub type Proof<Predicate> = Update<Predicate, ()>;


Safety documentation

The most common examples of safety documentation are parameters of unsafe functions. The parameters are robust making the function unsafe due to contra-variance. And they are robust because they have less safe values, thus providing permissions to use.

/// Reads the value from a pointer without moving it.
/// # Safety
/// The pointer must be valid for reads, aligned, and pointing to a safe value.
pub fn read<T>(ptr: Update<*const T>) -> T;

Less common examples are results of unsafe functions. The results are unsafe making the function unsafe due to co-variance. And they are unsafe because they have unsafe values, thus enforcing restrictions to use.

/// Gets a mutable reference to the pinned data.
/// # Safety
/// The data in the result must not be moved.
pub fn get_unchecked_mut<T>(pin: Pin<&mut T>) -> Update<&mut T>

Robustness documentation

The most common examples of robustness documentation are results of functions. The results are robust making the function robust due to co-variance. And they are robust because they have less safe values, thus providing permissions to use.

/// Consumes a box returning its raw pointer.
/// # Robustness
/// The pointer will be properly aligned and non-null.
pub fn into_raw(b: Box<T>) -> Update<*mut T>

Less common examples are parameters of functions. The parameters are unsafe making the function robust due to contra-variance. And they are unsafe because they have unsafe values, thus enforcing restrictions to use.

/// Prints a message to the standard output.
/// # Robustness
/// The message doesn't need to be valid UTF-8.
pub fn robust_print(msg: Update<&str>);

Even though documenting robustness makes the API more precise, it has the downside of increasing the burden of unsafe reviews. A function for which correctness would otherwise not impact unsafe code, now has the potential of impacting unsafe code and must be reviewed appropriately. If this potential is not actually used, then this review is unnecessary.

That said, the standard library can be assumed to be maximally robust (correctness defines robustness). If the standard library is incorrect, then we have other problems that are as big as unsoundness of third-party crates (that would be sound if the standard library was correct).

Safety comments

Safety comments can both produce and use proofs from the update type.

/// Consumes a box returning its non-null pointer.
pub fn into_non_null(b: Box<T>) -> NonNull<T> {
    let Update(ptr) = Box::into_raw(b);
    // SAFETY: The pointer is non-null because Box::into_raw() returns a proof
    // that it's non-null and properly aligned.

Custom types

Notice how in the previous section, into_non_null() replaces the robustness of into_raw() with the safety invariant of NonNull, essentially giving a name to its anonymous result type. This is done by having NonNull<T> be a custom type around Update<*mut T>. We'll ignore alignment and variance for simplicity. We'll also ignore the rustc annotations that shrink the validity invariant.

/// A non-null pointer.
pub struct NonNull<T: ?Sized> {
    /// The wrapped pointer.
    /// # Robustness
    /// The pointer is non-null.
    ptr: Update<*mut T>,

Making a type robust is the most common reason to create custom types, but they can also be used to make a type unsafe.

/// A pinned pointer.
pub struct Pin<P> {
    /// The wrapped pointer.
    /// # Safety
    /// The pointer cannot be moved unless it implements `Unpin`.
    ptr: Update<P>,